Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Please Help: Cleansing of the Temple Weekend

This weekend will be our extensive clean-up effort focusing on the "old church" building.

  • The dumpster will be delivered on Friday. We plan to start at noon on Friday and work until 4:00pm.
  • Saturday we will start at 9:00am and work until 3:00pm (depending on the number of helpers).
  • On Sunday work will begin directly after Divine Service and go as long as needed.
If you can help at any of these times, it would be greatly appreciated!
On Monday Pocai Painting Co. is scheduled to begin work on the upper classroom/office area (damaged by the leaking roof), making it usable again until major renovations begin. Demo will be the first item on their agenda, so obviously that area needs to be completely clear.

Why are we doing this now?

As you may know, there are significant problems with the building (asbestos, mold, frayed wiring, and what our esteemed president has termed "third-world latrines"). In addition, certain areas of the old church have accumulated more than half a century's worth of broken furniture, outdated textbooks, and other items. This is not just a "cleaning project." Any renovation of the building will require removing everything that we do not need. If there are items that are personally dear to you, you are welcome to remove them - but please do so by Friday. If there are items that you need for ongoing work, please clearly label them "Save" if you have not done so already.

A chairman for the Building & Renovation Committee has been appointed (Paul Techau). The remainder of the committee is being formed, and some significant donations have already been received. Further information and our next steps will be publicized by early autumn. We are excited about the future of Immanuel. See you this weekend!

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