Saturday, July 21, 2007

Renovation Preparations: Removing Useless Clutter

Some of these pictures illustrate both the clutter that we began cleaning out this weekend, as well as the damage and decay in the old building. Here is a hallway stacked with old useless desks and other junk. It was embarrassing to take people down this hallway:

The original front entrance of the church became a place for stashing more unused, unstable desks and chairs.

Another view of the original front entrance, riddled with unused furniture:
This weekend we began to reorient the culture of compulsive hoarding that was coming to characterize Immanuel. Junk from more than half a century filled this room; several attempts at cleaning were begun in the past, only to find more junk appearing.

School desk-chairs, old hymnals, and trash are stacked from floor to ceiling:

This is a Sunday School room! The demolition of this room begins Monday.

More water damage and mold in the Sunday School rooms:

Unused lockers and desks that need to be thrown away:

Lockers, a non-functioning computer, and boxes of junk:

More mold and water damage:

Thank you, Immanuel, for taking action to Build Immanuel's Future!

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