Monday, May 19, 2008

Looking Forward: Trinity I (May 25)

May 25: Trinity I- From this point until Advent, all the Sundays are counted as "Sundays after Trinity." The first half of the Christian Year centered around the birth, manifestation, suffering, death, resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, culminating in His gift of the Spirit on Pentecost. Now, the focus of the remainder of the year is on the teachings of Jesus and how we live as His disciples. The color switches to green, representing our growth as children of God. On this first Sunday after Trinity, we hear the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, inviting us to reflect on how we treat the poor in our midst, and also where our hope lies. Lazarus the beggar is carried to Abraham's bosom (heaven), while the rich man, appearing to be godly, is sent to hell. Kyrie, eleison!

Originally published in Tidings, the Newsletter of Immanuel

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